Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Taste the Rainbow

Is it just me or is it rather annoying when that hair is on the bar of soap? Now I dont use bar soap very often, but every once in a while I will. But before I go to just lather soap on my wash cloth, I always check the soap to make sure there isnt any hair on it, cause hair is rather disgusting. And low and behold there is always a hair. You stand there trying to splash it off and it keeps moving to the opposite side. You're just turning the bar over and over and over until finally it comes off or you wear down the bar of soap. Drives me insane.

So anyway, how was X-Mas for ya'll? Mine was pretty dog gone good. I will just say that I love my sissy and brother-in-law. I got an awesome pair of shoes from them to add to my closet full. mmmmm, just what I wanted. Although I havent gotten the gun that I wanted yet, but I should be getting it anytime now. I got a whole bunch of other stuff too, altogether it was a pretty good christmas. I had a fun time with my family. My sis and I went to the bar one night to get a mojito. Oh my gosh, yeah I finally got to get one and it was awesome. I loved it. The bartender was pretty cool, he gave us a few free drinks. He gave me a scotch cause I told him I wanted to try it, and then he gave us something called a skittle. Its all the smirnoff vodka's mixed together with a shot of redbull. Wow, it was really good as well.

Other then all that we just spent time together, playing games which was really fun and watching movies. We watched Snakes on a Plane. It was actually a lot better then what I thought it was going to be. I am however really glad that I didnt go to the theater and watch it though. We played the new Balderdash game which was just awesome, and then we played the Movie Scene It game, which was also pretty fun.

There isnt really much going on. I'm getting ready for New Years. Not exactly sure what I'm going to be doing for the new year, I dont know how many friends are going to be in town. Its not really fun just hanging out by yourself. Well anyway, I'm going to go and finish watching the movie that I started, just thought that I would update a little. Hope everyone had a great chanukah. Adios.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


What is wrong with you people?!? NO! I dont want to date your daughter, neice, sister, cousin, granddaughter, or your mother. Quit trying to set me up with people. Especially people anywhere around the cassville area. I dont have enough time or patience to start a whole new relationship. It takes too much time to get to know someone and I'm not wasting my time on that. So do me a favor and QUIT asking me.

Tomorrow has finally come. I've been waiting for three weeks now to see the doctor again. Anyway, I've got everything for X-Mas ready except wrapping a few presents. I'm all excited. I'm going to spend it with my sister and I'm going a few days early and we are going to run together. I think that will be pretty fun.

I have yet to try a mojito. I havent been to the bar or club in a while. Everybody's been so busy with it being Christmas and all, blah, and its no fun going by yourself. I'd make it myself, but I'd mess it up. When it comes to bartending the best thing I'm good at is taking the top of the bottle.


  1. Travel to all 50 states
  2. Go to Australia
  3. Own a Porsche ------dont think its going to happen
  4. Get married ---------this one is very very doubtful as well
  5. Write a movie
  6. Have a daughter-------looking like adoption
  7. Ride a bike through Wal-Mart or the mall
  8. Ride a horse
  9. Have someone fired
  10. Learn to play the piano

Most are pretty lame I know. I havent really thought long and hard about most of them. And out of all of those the only one I really truly care about is a daughter. I would like to have a little girl. Ok well I have some ice-cream calling my name so I'm outta here. Adios.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Ending Never Expected...

So last night was the season finale of the best show I've seen in years, Dexter. I never expected the ending that they gave it. I was totally blown away. I dont know if I'll be able to wait for next seasons show. I hope that I make it. Sociopath Dexter....awwww my hero.

Well I got to work early and decided to go across the street and get some hot chocolate, mmmm. Then I took a little detour over to the post office and wasted a dollar to mail a dvd that is going to be going about 1/4 of a mile. Whatever.

We had a client bring in some peanut and cashew brittle. Oh my gosh. I'm not much of one for those two, I like pecan brittle, but this stuff is just...outstanding! I was just going to eat one piece, but I'm starting on my 8th.

So if you cant tell I'm rather bored. Who actually cares about my trip to the post office or how many pieces of candy I've eaten. Blah. The only thing I really have on my mind is Christmas....oooooo presents, I cant wait. For the first time I actually dont have a clue as to what I'm getting, and its really kinda bugging me. Anyways, I'm hungry so I'm outta here. Adios.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Killin' Time...

I have so many things to talk about and yet I dont know what to say. With everything thats on my mind, all I can think about is May.

So lets see...and yes I meant for that to rhyme. After being up for over 40 hours I took a much needed 17 hour sleep...but yet it was just quantity not quality, cause it sucked. One more week until Christmas and I still have one more person to buy something for.

My family and I had our yearly tradition last night of watching the funniest X-Mas movie ever. National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation. Always a riot.

Well I realize that this entry was so long and I apologize for that, but really I'm bored and just dont feel like being on here, I just wanted to waste some time. So, happy Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa and Merry New Year. Adios

Friday, December 15, 2006

yadda yadda yadda

Hmmm...five more days till I go and see the doctor again. He had better give me a prescription this time cause this pain is really starting to hurt. Not that I'm just wanting pills for everything, but I just want something that will take the pain away so I can at least get a good nights sleep. I havent slept in weeks. The only nights that I ever sleep without waking up are when I pretty much drink myself to sleep and pass out on my friends couch. But then of course I wake up with a terrible headache. So its a tough call on which is worse, the headache or no sleep.

Anyway, enough complaining. 10 More days till X-Mas. Whoop! Whoop! I think we should have a Christmas about every three months, if not that then at least twice a year. This year I'm going to spend Christmas with my sister and brother-in-law. I'm pretty excited about that. I get to see my little four legged nephew, aww....pretty kitty.

The weather channel is predicting about four more big snows like we just had. And one of those is supposed to be coming before Christmas. Now I wouldnt mind one on Christmas but the day after it better be melted. I'm already sick of this weather and want it to be warm again. I want to go to the lake.

Well, even though I'm not getting all of you a gift this year, if by some chance you want to get me one.....I wont complain. So if you need my address just let me know and I'll be more then happy to send it to you.

I've been on a hot chocolate kick here lately. For the past two and a half weeks, I've been craving hot chocolate. So I went and bought two boxes at wal-mart, one with mini marshmellows and the other as a butterfinger flavor...mmmmm. The quick trips have pretty good stuff too. Well I'm going to go for now, hope ya'll are doing well...except for some of you....BLAH. Adios.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Last Hour

Its only 13 more days till Christmas. Woo Hoooo. I'm sooooo ready. I got all my gifts bought except for 3 people. Yep, I have 3 more people to buy for, out of a grand total of 5 people. haha. I'm good. I'm going to go and finish my shopping tomorrow...if you dont get sometime from me, its either cause I dont like you or....ummm....well there is two people I know that will read this and they know that I love them even though I didnt get them anything....but for the rest of you that get nothing from me....well yeah I just dont like you.

So how about that dad gome snow. Pissed me off. I didnt mind the snow as much, but the damn ice was a killer. We had 4 inches of ice underneath the snow. I had 4-wheel drive so it didnt stop me, but it was rather annoying when it came to getting out with my friends. I'm looking forward to the next night that we go out. I have a new drink that I just love, Long Island Ice-Tea...mmmm so tasty, and there is another one that I'm wanting to try...a Mojito. Rum, lime juice and mint leaves. Sounds delightful.

Ok well I'm bored and feel like watching a movie. So I'm going to go for now. Hope everyone is doing good. I love "YOU" ya, YOU, and before you even ask, I'm not. Adios.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

To Whom It May, whatever...

So what is a best friend? Lets see, I think a best friend is somewhat like a soulmate, someone that you cant reallly imagine your life without. A best friend is always there for you when you need them and even there when you dont need them. They are someone who always has the best intentions in mind for you. They are the one who will pick you up at the bar at 1 in the morning when you are wasted and let you sleep at your house. A best friend is there to give you hugs and kisses just to make you feel better. A best friend will have a make-out session with you if you are feeling blue. Basically a best friend is your left leg.

Little "K" I'll have you know that I love you little girl. I know that you will probably never read this, but if by some chance you do, I just want you to know that I always tried my best to do what was best for you. I will always love you no matter what.

So I was up allllll night working on a test. Understanding spinal pain. Yes it was very interesting....not really but yet kinda. I think I would enjoy reading the book more if I didnt have to do it. If I was choosing to do it on my own I would actually love to do it.

Soooo....another weekend on my own what shall I do this weekend. Well, I might either go to the club, if some of my other friends arent working, I could go to a movie, but that is kinda boring by yourself, or I could just go to the KP, but I dont know who is going to be there so that might be quite boring. I guess we'll just have to see what everyone has planned for the weekend.

I left to go to the gym a little while ago. It was 13 degrees outside. I dumped some water out on the porche and the second that it hit the cement, it froze. Thats insane, when is summer going to get here...I'm ready to get back into the water and ride the boat.

Alright well I'm bored and I really have nothing to talk about just jibber jabber, so I am going to go and watch a movie or something. Hope everyone is doing well, and I hope that "YOU" get to feeling better soon. Adios.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Gracias, casinO

Well I dont really have anything in general to talk about, but I figured its another month so I might as well write something. So I started out Wednesday evening for Arizona. It started snowing and sleeting so I left a day early so I would make it to the airport for my flight. I got down there and got a hotel room for the night. I didnt sleep to well though cause I was missing my friends, sniffle. The next morning I woke up and headed for the airport. We were there two hours early so I decided to go and wait at the bar, you know kill a few hours and have a few drinks. A couple hours got turned into a few hours. We were delayed and then eventually canceled. So we decided we might try and just drive to AR. That didnt work very well. We got about 25 miles outside of Tulsa in about 2 hours or so. The roads were awful so we just turned around and went back to Tulsa for the night. My parents ended up getting plane tickets for Friday but I decided to just come on home.

While in Tulsa I went to a casino. It was huge it was like 10 casinos in one. I put in 10 dollars and won 60 just like that. I thought that I would just cash out. But I went back to that same machine and won another 60 dollars. 120 in no time. I figured my luck was probably done with that so I decided to quit while I was ahead.

So Christmas is sneaking up on us. I'm not really in the Christmas mood this year. I'm all for buying the gifts and everything just not one for decorating and putting up a tree for some reason this year. I thought the snow might put me in more of a Christmas mode, but it hasnt yet, its just pissed me off more then anything. *wink* Someone might know one else will though.

Educational note: I've gotten a few emails and a few comments on here from people that dont think that I know what love is...I'm not going to go into what I think love is.....*cough*...but I thought that I did and I think that I do, But...Just so I know for sure why dont you guys email me or for those that dont have my email, comment me and let me know what it I will know in the future. I'm serious, I'm not being sarcastic like I am 99.9% of the time. I want to know from all my readers what they truly believe love is. Thanks.

I've got my Christmas gift picked out for myself. I'll be getting a nice hefty tax return back and I'm going to buy myself a beautiful handgun. Or....or just maybe if its a little bit more then what I'm anticipating I'm going to buy me another sniper rifle...ooooooo I just get the goosebumps thinking about it.

Well I'm bored and have nothing else to say so until next time....adios.