Wednesday, February 21, 2007

All Wet

Ok so I'm walking through the mall yesterday I'm leaving I'm getting ready to throw my water bottle away, but before I do I put the rest of the water from the bottle in my mouth really quick. I look like a chipmunk now. There is too much water in my mouth to swallow and I'm in the middle of the mall so I cant spit it out. So I start walking towards that outside door quickly. But as I do my mind starts thinking about all these funny things. Water comes pouring out my mouth. It went all over me, the floor, and the glass door. It was quite hilarious if I do say so myself.

Anyway, so I'm a business owner....WOO HOO. I'm going into business with my dad. I'm going to do therapy and he's going to do acupuncture. We got a business in joplin. I'm nervously excited, but by this time next year I should have my Yeah ok maybe not, but in two years...haha. My sissy made us a website and everything its really awesome. When it gets completed I'll put it on here that way ya'll can look at it...or wait, no....if you want to see it, email me and I'll give it to you, yeah that'll be better.

So yeah this one is really short but I'm bored and I'm getting ready to leave the house so I'm outta here. Adios.

Friday, February 09, 2007

End of the Beginning

What a week. Anyway, ummm frankly I'm glad its over with. Tomorrow night I have a date and it's with someone my age actually. It'll be the first time I've actually dated someone my age. But something I wanted to put out there while I'm on this subject. Those of you (you know who you are) who are wanting to be my "girlfriend" quit asking me. I dont want a girlfriend, I dont want a steady person in my life, and NO I have no intentions of getting married. If you want to have a one night stand with me, then by all means call me, otherwise...leave me alone. I'm all for the physical relationship with ya'll, but once you start getting emotionally attached to me, I'm kicking you out. I'm tired of messing with it.

Anyway, so I am meeting my date tomrrow at the club. She used to be a dance instructor so I'm going to see if she'll teach me a few things. I always thought that it would be awesome to learn to dance. But we'll see how it goes. Call me weird, but I've started watching Dr. Phil with my mother every now and then. I always made fun of her for watching it and called him gay. But now that I've actually sat down and watch a few of his shows I like it. Its hilarious how screwed up most people are.

Well about my neck, back and junk...they dont really know whats going on. I'm thinking about having an MRI done to just be more thorough. Both hands go numb and I feel like I'm constantly drunk, I'm just dizzy all the time as if I had vertigo or something. It very annoying.

I went to the mall yesterday and bought a shirt at American Eagle and then we hopped and skipped over to Aeropostle...they had a blazer there that I had been looking at for about 2 months. It was 50 dollars but yesterday it was on sale for 9 dollars so I snatched it up and bought it. I thought that it was pretty awesome and it goes perfect with my new shirt and my awesome Converse my sissy and bro got me for Christmas.

If its warm enough tomorrow I'm going to go and fire my guns. I havent done that in a while and I'm missing it. Well I'm a little high at the moment, and no, not on reefer but rather I'm going to go ahead and get off of here. Hope everyone's doing just great except, yeah evil little monkey. Adios.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

DEAD meat

That damn ground hog, he had better watch his back cause if I ever find him, he's dead. That little bastard didnt see his shadow yesterday and that makes me quite angry. If and when I find him I'm going to ground him up into burger meat. I am so much VERY ready for summer. Anyway, what a past month its been, ice-storms, hotels, new guns, and meeting girls.

I went and got my taxes done this morning. I got quite a refund back, I majorly over paid last year. SOOO you know what that means...oh baby oh baby, new gun here I come. So I still have quite a few trees down in my yard. Gosh I have two very huge piles of wood that are going to be burnt, and I cant wait.

Well lol, last night I went on a date. Hmmm....wasnt exactly what I had expected. Lets just say it was the first and last time I ever go on a date with a woman that is more then 20 years older then I am. She wasnt super duper ugly or anything like that, just uhh....not exactly what her picture looked like. I think it was an old picture. Oh the super bowl is tomorrow, I'm all excited about that. We are having a little party with some friends.

I still have a lot of pain, my neck is like a train wreck and I'm getting headaches every single dad gome day. And now both my hands are numb, not just my left one anymore. Rather annoying. Well I know that you are just so getting into this entry, but I'm off to starbucks with my friend, so hope everyone is doing well except for the select few of you, and I'll talk to ya'll later. Adios.