Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Taste the Rainbow

Is it just me or is it rather annoying when that hair is on the bar of soap? Now I dont use bar soap very often, but every once in a while I will. But before I go to just lather soap on my wash cloth, I always check the soap to make sure there isnt any hair on it, cause hair is rather disgusting. And low and behold there is always a hair. You stand there trying to splash it off and it keeps moving to the opposite side. You're just turning the bar over and over and over until finally it comes off or you wear down the bar of soap. Drives me insane.

So anyway, how was X-Mas for ya'll? Mine was pretty dog gone good. I will just say that I love my sissy and brother-in-law. I got an awesome pair of shoes from them to add to my closet full. mmmmm, just what I wanted. Although I havent gotten the gun that I wanted yet, but I should be getting it anytime now. I got a whole bunch of other stuff too, altogether it was a pretty good christmas. I had a fun time with my family. My sis and I went to the bar one night to get a mojito. Oh my gosh, yeah I finally got to get one and it was awesome. I loved it. The bartender was pretty cool, he gave us a few free drinks. He gave me a scotch cause I told him I wanted to try it, and then he gave us something called a skittle. Its all the smirnoff vodka's mixed together with a shot of redbull. Wow, it was really good as well.

Other then all that we just spent time together, playing games which was really fun and watching movies. We watched Snakes on a Plane. It was actually a lot better then what I thought it was going to be. I am however really glad that I didnt go to the theater and watch it though. We played the new Balderdash game which was just awesome, and then we played the Movie Scene It game, which was also pretty fun.

There isnt really much going on. I'm getting ready for New Years. Not exactly sure what I'm going to be doing for the new year, I dont know how many friends are going to be in town. Its not really fun just hanging out by yourself. Well anyway, I'm going to go and finish watching the movie that I started, just thought that I would update a little. Hope everyone had a great chanukah. Adios.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an ALCOHOLIC!!!!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Christopher said...

Alcoholics go to AA meetings, I'm not in any meetings therefore i'm no alcoholic...

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well at least you are by choice...... my family had a family meeting about my drinking and they came up with the decision that
1.)i dont drink enough alcohol.
2.)i dont drink alcohol that is hard enough "if your going to be drinking rum dont waste your time drink bacardi 151 and dont cut it with anything"
luck pain in the butt email me back sometime

6:06 PM  

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