Thursday, December 07, 2006

To Whom It May, whatever...

So what is a best friend? Lets see, I think a best friend is somewhat like a soulmate, someone that you cant reallly imagine your life without. A best friend is always there for you when you need them and even there when you dont need them. They are someone who always has the best intentions in mind for you. They are the one who will pick you up at the bar at 1 in the morning when you are wasted and let you sleep at your house. A best friend is there to give you hugs and kisses just to make you feel better. A best friend will have a make-out session with you if you are feeling blue. Basically a best friend is your left leg.

Little "K" I'll have you know that I love you little girl. I know that you will probably never read this, but if by some chance you do, I just want you to know that I always tried my best to do what was best for you. I will always love you no matter what.

So I was up allllll night working on a test. Understanding spinal pain. Yes it was very interesting....not really but yet kinda. I think I would enjoy reading the book more if I didnt have to do it. If I was choosing to do it on my own I would actually love to do it.

Soooo....another weekend on my own what shall I do this weekend. Well, I might either go to the club, if some of my other friends arent working, I could go to a movie, but that is kinda boring by yourself, or I could just go to the KP, but I dont know who is going to be there so that might be quite boring. I guess we'll just have to see what everyone has planned for the weekend.

I left to go to the gym a little while ago. It was 13 degrees outside. I dumped some water out on the porche and the second that it hit the cement, it froze. Thats insane, when is summer going to get here...I'm ready to get back into the water and ride the boat.

Alright well I'm bored and I really have nothing to talk about just jibber jabber, so I am going to go and watch a movie or something. Hope everyone is doing well, and I hope that "YOU" get to feeling better soon. Adios.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know you spelled "porch" like the famous deutsche sports car "Porsche"? Hmm... Freudian slip? I think so!! :D

6:04 PM  

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