You Smell That?...
I had an epiphany last night around 12:30. I was lying in my bed half asleep and half awake. Then a thought popped into my head. Love is like manure. Yep, you read that right, manure. When you first start a relationship, both people have a mask on, hince why you cant smell it. It all seems to perfect and warm feeling. But then as the relationship moves on, its not as warm feeling and not near as cozy. The mask that we wear is taken off and then everything just smells like shit. Feelings are hardened and everything stinks. Over time manure hardens, but it never loses its scent. So, therefore I come to the conclusion that love is a big pile of shit. Agree?
Anyway, chicken day is over with and I am absolutely not ready for Christmas. The one thing that I am looking forward to is watching Christmas Vacation. The best holiday movie ever made. Favorite quote: "We're gonna have the hap hap happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby danced with Danny fuckin' K." I ate way too much turkey yesterday. As soon as I got home I was going to take a short 20 minute nap and I was out for a few hours. When I woke up I proceeded to go the the gym and then come home to my yummy ice-cream. Then I went to bed.
To all my readers, I'm getting ready to go on a short little trip and I'll be riding in a if by some chance I, like John Denver, dont make it back alive I want you all to know one thing...ok I got nothing to tell ya I thought I might but I dont.
The one thing that I hate worse then running out of toilet paper when your on the pot, is gossipers. I dont care who is screwing who or who just did whatever. I'm not just talking about celebrity gossip, which is probably the worse, well, second worst, the worst is probably my ex's family...woah. Anyway, I just get so fed up with hearing about it. People thrive on it and then come to me and act like I am interested when really, I dont give a fuck. Wow thats the second time I've said that word in this post, and the second time I've ever said it on my blog. If it offends you, there is a small red X at the top right hand corner of your screen.
Well anyway, its extremelly warm outside and I dont care to stay in here so I'm going to leave for now. If you went shopping today, congrats you brave little person you, you couldnt get me out unless I was able to take a shotgun. Adios.