Friday, November 24, 2006

You Smell That?...

I had an epiphany last night around 12:30. I was lying in my bed half asleep and half awake. Then a thought popped into my head. Love is like manure. Yep, you read that right, manure. When you first start a relationship, both people have a mask on, hince why you cant smell it. It all seems to perfect and warm feeling. But then as the relationship moves on, its not as warm feeling and not near as cozy. The mask that we wear is taken off and then everything just smells like shit. Feelings are hardened and everything stinks. Over time manure hardens, but it never loses its scent. So, therefore I come to the conclusion that love is a big pile of shit. Agree?

Anyway, chicken day is over with and I am absolutely not ready for Christmas. The one thing that I am looking forward to is watching Christmas Vacation. The best holiday movie ever made. Favorite quote: "We're gonna have the hap hap happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby danced with Danny fuckin' K." I ate way too much turkey yesterday. As soon as I got home I was going to take a short 20 minute nap and I was out for a few hours. When I woke up I proceeded to go the the gym and then come home to my yummy ice-cream. Then I went to bed.

To all my readers, I'm getting ready to go on a short little trip and I'll be riding in a if by some chance I, like John Denver, dont make it back alive I want you all to know one thing...ok I got nothing to tell ya I thought I might but I dont.

The one thing that I hate worse then running out of toilet paper when your on the pot, is gossipers. I dont care who is screwing who or who just did whatever. I'm not just talking about celebrity gossip, which is probably the worse, well, second worst, the worst is probably my ex's family...woah. Anyway, I just get so fed up with hearing about it. People thrive on it and then come to me and act like I am interested when really, I dont give a fuck. Wow thats the second time I've said that word in this post, and the second time I've ever said it on my blog. If it offends you, there is a small red X at the top right hand corner of your screen.

Well anyway, its extremelly warm outside and I dont care to stay in here so I'm going to leave for now. If you went shopping today, congrats you brave little person you, you couldnt get me out unless I was able to take a shotgun. Adios.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Doctor KNOW...

Ok I picked the title for two being that I went to the doctor yesterday, which I will expound on here in just a few moments. The other reason is that its Thanksgiving weekend and every year they have a Bond marathon on t.v. Anywho...

The doctor...I get there about 20 minutes or so early. They tell me to have a sit so I do and I wait, and wait.... and I wait some more. For over an hour and a half I sit there and I wait. Then finally, Christopher.... yes.... they call me back. They weigh me and then take me to my smaller waiting room. Now here I am again waiting....I wait in this smaller waiting room for over 30 minutes for the doctor to get in there...finally the door opens and in walks the great almighty doctor...hand shakes....introductions...then he tells me to lay down, he examines my neck and then feels my head and then tells me to come back in 3 weeks. WHAT... all that time just to hear come back in three weeks... I was joking with my friends about it, but I think I would have rather heard you have about 6 months to live, rather then, ok come back in three weeks. What a waste of my time.

So tomorrow is the big feast. turkey, ham, potatoes, baked beans, bisquits, pies, cakes, cookies...mmmmm. Cant you just count the calories....oh its sooo good. I can just think of it now, it'll be an extra 4 hours on the tredmil for me. Woo hoo.

Ok well this entry is rather short and boring but I really have nothing to talk about. So I am off, I am going to go read a book courtesy of my friend "P" thanks. Adios.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Horray! In a few more days I will have a huge part of my life, a part that I care to forget, gone. My house will no longer be my responsibility and my "ex" and I will no longer have any ties to each other. AMEN!! That will be a big relief in my life.

Oh so lets see, gobble gobble day is coming up on us now. I have a love/hate relationship with this day. I love it because I am a food fanatic. I love to eat, but I also am one that watches my figure. I've been fat and I dont care to ever go back there again. So, I workout everyday in order to stay skinny, like run 1 to 2 hours and lift weights. Thanksgiving kills me because I always have more then one dinner to go to and if you dont eat you hurt their feelings. So I eat, not that it bothers me. Although this year seeing as how I'm single I shouldnt have as many dinners to go to. But that doesnt mean that I'm not still going to eat like a piggy.

Things that I have learned over the course of my life, these are all unarguably correct:
  1. Dont ever argue with a woman they are ALWAYS right, even when they are wrong.
  2. Love really is a waste of time, the only thing you will ever get out of it is disappointment.
  3. My baby Gracie is the cutest most adorable thing on the face of this earth, and always will be.
  4. Friends with benefits always get complicated, either date or just be friends.
  5. You're a damn fool to buy a house with someone you aren't married too.
  6. Guys that make fun of other guys are just insecure about themselves....
  7. Movies are a necessity in life.
  8. Long distance relationships never work out........unless there is some side action going on...uh huh
  9. Video games are for retards and are a waste of time, money, and space on this planet.
  10. Never leave the lid up on the toilet, it will come back to haunt you.

I'm bored and cant sleep, but whats new. I thought about going back to the gym and running some more but I already took a shower and I dont feel like taking another one tonight, so that plan is shot down. I could go to walmart and get some ice-cream, but that means I would have to get dressed, and....that aint happening. What to do what to do....hmmmm. Oh I know I'll go watch a movie, yeah that sounds like a good idea. Well if I dont write before thanksgiving dinner day....ummm, too bad. Adios.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Top Five


  1. Lucky Number Slevin
  2. Memento
  3. The Machinist
  4. The Usual Suspects
  5. The Departed


  1. Life of David Gale
  2. Pulp Fiction
  3. American Beauty
  4. Blow
  5. Mystic River


  1. The Godfather I & II
  2. Heat
  3. Goodfellas
  4. Scarface
  5. Donnie Brasco


  1. Dumb and Dumber
  2. Wedding Crashers
  3. Austin Powers: In Goldmember
  4. Christmas Vacation
  5. The Benchwarmers


  1. Serendipity
  2. Terms of Endearment
  3. City of Angels
  4. The Lake House
  5. A Walk to Remember


  1. Apocalypse Now
  2. Saving Private Ryan
  3. Black Hawk Down
  4. The Patriot
  5. The Thin Red Line


  1. Monsters Inc.
  2. Toy Story
  3. A Bugs Life
  4. Toy Story 2
  5. The Incredibles


  1. Timecop
  2. Diehard 1-3
  3. Face/Off
  4. Mission Impossible III
  5. Lethal Weapon 1 -3


  1. Steven Kings: It
  2. Dawn of the Dead - New Version
  3. Lost Boys
  4. Amityville Horror - New Version
  5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre


  1. Red Eye
  2. Joy Ride
  3. Se7en
  4. Saw
  5. Saw II

Science Fiction

  1. Alien 1-4
  2. Matrix trilogy
  3. Twelve Monkeys
  4. Star Wars 1-6
  5. Pitch Black


  1. Unforgiven
  2. A Big Hand For the Little Lady
  3. Wyatt Earp
  4. Tombstone
  5. The Quick and the Dead


  1. The Wizard of Oz
  2. Casablanca
  3. The Grapes of Wrath
  4. Citizen Kane
  5. Cool Hand Luke

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Addiction Without a Cure...

I hate Halloween! What an introduction...there are just way too many idiots out and about. Maybe if people knew how to drive and walk around on the streets at night, it wouldn't be so bad, but they dont, so hence therefore why I hate halloween.

In the past, I have always been a people pleaser. I've always wanted to make people happy. Whether it was at school by being the class clown or in a relationship of mine by doing whatever it took to make that person at the time happy. In my relationships I've done everything from changing the way I look, dress, and act, to actually getting rid of friends. Not just acquaintances, but I'm talking my best friends. I ditched them like I never knew them. Well as of now I'm done with all of that. I'm done trying to impress people or make a good impression so that they will stay with me or want to be with me. Starting right now I'm just going to be myself. In a relationship, both parties are supposed to be happy, not just one. And I have rarely been happy cause I was always constantly worrying whether or not I was making them happy.

Right now I have two friends...the BEST of best friends. I love them dearly and I'm not going to be shutting them out of my life no matter what or who comes along. As for the "one" and yes you know who you are, I do love you, and what you've seen of me, is the real me. Its not a act, I'm not pretending to be something I'm not. What you've seen is what you would get, and I know that you like who I am. And just for a side note, I want you to know that umm...I'm addicted to you and am in constant "aww" by you.

My new anthem for my life is a song by 30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill. Basically about a guy who tried to be someone he wasnt to make his girl happy. He started being himself and she left and he doesnt care because he's happy now that he is himself. My man, you have it right. No matter how pretty a girl is, (or guy for you girls reading this) why sacrifice being yourself. You are never going to be happy. feelings were hurt deeply today. After school all the kids walked around the square to visit all the local businesses and get candy in their costumes. I got to watch a few minutes of it, but I had to work through most of it. I did however see a little girl that I knew and I went to give her a hug and she looked at me like I was a stranger...sniffle. This was a little girl that used to be in love with me, I dont know if she forgot me or just didnt want to give me a hug. But either way it kinda hurt my feelings.

Well tonight I'm dedicating a couple of songs to that special someone....kiss kiss.

Rascal Flatts - Waiting All My Life
Alan Jackson - She Dont Know She's Beautiful

and of course cant forget the greatest love song ever

Firehouse - When I Look Into Your Eyes

Adios to all hope November is great for everyone....mmm mmmm Turkey and Ham I cant wait for you!