Monday, November 28, 2005


I have 355 more days and counting until I am married. hee hee. We set a date, November 18th. I'm just ecstatic. I cant explain how joyful I am right now. Seems far off but I know it will be here before I even know. We thought about this summer, but we dont want too short of an engagement plus it's her parents 25th this summer and that is just a spectacular event.

Well I had three Thanksgivings. How many did you have? One was enough for me, but I just cant pass up free food when its that good. I am definitely going to have to start running again. I think I might have gained a pound or two.

Broke...thats my new word. The Holidays hit me hard this year. I'm flat broke. Doesnt bother me though, its just money right. Cant take it with us when we die so who cares really. I enjoyed spending every penny of it, cause I spent it all on other people. I just loooove buying gifts for others.

Ok well since I cant think of anything else to write and I have nothing to do today, I'm going to go and work on my book for a little while. I hope everyone is doing great today and I'll talk later, Adios.

Friday, November 25, 2005

So This Is Love...

There really isnt any words that I could put in this blog entry here that could even begin to make you understand what I'm feeling at this point in my life. I thought that I was in love at one point in my life. I misinterpreted that feeling for something that wasnt love. I now know what love is. Love is spending every waking moment with a person and still sad because you feel you havent seen them enough. I have feelings for her that I never even knew existed. Its an amazing feeling. I wish this feeling upon everyone.

So yesterday was turkey day. I think I ate more then anyone in the U.S. ate. I didnt just eat lunch and dinner. I ate all day long non-stop. It was all just so good. Last night after everyone left I helped my girls family put up Christmas decorations. Well my kinda help, I was the foreman. hee hee. I had a blast.

So the other day I won 10 thousand dollars playing poker. How awesome is that. I think thats the most I ever won at anything. I of course lost a thousand of it cause I kept playing, but I quit after that. 9 thousand though isnt to shabby. Especialy for only an hour. I'm going to play another game later tonight so we'll see if I still got it.

Ohh, boy. Today one of the busiest days of the year and I am taking my girl out shopping. Well not exactly shopping, we're just going out. We are going to go look at rings for me and then some little Christmas gifts for some others. Last weekend was awesome. We bought a bunch of gifts and boxed them up and sent them to little kids across seas that dont get much for Christmas. That was quite a humbling experience. It was just so hard to stop buying things for them once you started.

Ok well I'm going to go for now, gotta get ready to go and and face the madness. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Talk later, adios.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Move It!!!!!

Ok, I'm one of those weird people that love to go to walmart. I could spend hours in their. Well not just any walmart but my home town one. Just because I know everyone there. I usually just go in to make rounds to say hi to everyone. There are 364 days out of the year that I love to be there. That one day that I hate being day before Thanksgiving. People just drive me insane. I have patience. I have always had patience and since I've been dating my girlfriend I've gained a lot more. She has helped me understand that there's more to life then what I was looking at.

But...when its as busy as what it was today...people need to realize that they cant just park in the middle of the isles and sit and chat. Its not only VERY rude its ANNOYING. I dont know how many detours I had to take just to get 4 simple little items today. I would say excuse me and get the you know what look. It was evil. Made me wanna go crazy on them. When someone asks you politely to move, DO IT. Its great that you have found someone that you havent seen in forever and you want to talk, but not in the middle of the isle. Exchange cards, numbers, addresses, whatever and get to moving.

And then these people that dont look before they just start walking out of the isles with their carts and think that they have the right away. Hello...think of it as the highways. When you come to an intersection there is usually a stop usually look both ways and then go. Other wise thats how accidents happen.

I think that you should have to pass a specific test before you are aloud behind the wheels of a cart. There are just as dangerous drivers behind a cart as there are behind a car. Drivers test, lets look into that.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Gobble Gobble

Oh yeah who's ready. ME ME ME. I can't wait for Thanksgiving. This year is going to be so much fun. Tomorrow night I'm going to bed about 8:30 - 9:00 and then I'm waking up about 4 or so and I'm going to go to my girlfriends house and help start the cooking. It's going to be great. I am so close to her family. Her mom and dad are awesome and I'm so totally in love with her sisters. We get along so well, already like brother and sister.

So today I started writing a book. Last night before I went to bed I got an idea in my head and I wrote everything down and when I woke up this morning I just went to town on it. It's amazing...not the book but the idea of writing. It is just so fun. I would love to make a career out of it, but I also love what I do now. So more then likely writing will just stay a hobby of mine. This will be the second book that I've started. The other one I'm kind of stuck on at the moment.

Today is my 8th straight day without chocolate. I thought that it would be a little harder then what it has been. I am a chocohollic. I will get severe cravings every once in a while, but I have such an attention defecit that they go away pretty quickly if my mind is deverted to something else. I am going to try and go a whole year or maybe even eventually just stop eating it completely. Its going to be hard with the holidays coming up though.

Well I am going to go for now. I hope that everyone has a fun and safe Thanksgiving. Talk to ya all later. Adios.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My Weakness!

Funyuns! They are made by the devil. They have to be the most evil thing made, next to chocolate of course. I'm addicted to both. But get this. My girlfriend gets sick when she eats chocolate, so...what I'm doing is this...since she cant enjoy it, I am giving it up. Well at least seeing how long I can go. So far I've gone three days. Not too bad, but I havent had a super big addiction yet. But those dang funyuns...ahhh. I can eat about 5 bags in an hour. They dont fill me up they just taste good.

Diet Coke...what is up with that. If you would have asked me if I wanted a drink of it about 3 months ago I would have called you crazy, now its the only thing I drink besides water. I'm hooked. I need to try and fast from the coke...its gonna kill me.

So its going to be so fun. I'm going to my girlfriends house. I am going to surprise her and take her out to lunch and then I get to play with a bunch of kids. They are soooo much fun. I have three little girls that are just in love with me. So cute. Then I get to play with my baby boy. He is a hyper little thing that is black and runs on four legs. Yeah its a baby boy. hee hee....he's so cute. Lets see what else is going on. Oh, i'm going to take the girls out to get their nails done and then we are all going to go Christmas shopping. Just what I need. I just got done with most of mine today. Talk about being broke. Whew!

I went shopping for rings today. Wow! That is always fun. I wont talk about them in too much detail incase by some chance my girl gets on here and reads this. I'll just say that I found a really BEAutiful one. I know which one I'm getting. hee hee hee.

Ohhh my goodness. You wont believe this...well that is if you know me. If you dont you probably wont even care. But I am one that does "NOT" like too many vegetables. Corn, green beans and the occassional peas. Thats all I eat. Well the other night I went out to chinese with my girlfriend and her mother. She asked me to try some broccli. My first thought was barf. Ok my second and third thought was barf. But I did took me a minute to get it to my mouth but I ate it. I'll admit it really wasnt that bad. I lead on that it was worse then it really was. Anyway, well it is getting kind of late and I am getting up early tomorrow. Have a full day planned out. Talk to ya later. Adios.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Happy! Happy! Happy!

So if you cant tell I'm a little happy. There is just so much that I want to say, but I dont know where to start. I guess I should start out by saying, "thank you mom." I'm sorry that I ever doubted her. Funny how a 20 year old thinks he knows better then his own mother. If I only would have listened things would have been easier. But I have learned a lesson.

If my past relationship, I got to the point where I "thought" that I was happy. I talked to my mom and I told her that I was going to propose. She thought that I wasnt "happy" like I should be and that I was just settling. I assured her that I wasnt. Yeah, see there, I was wrong. Moms know best people. I was just settling. But I know now that my past relationships have showed me who I want/need to be with. They have given me character and for that I appreciate them and would not take them back.

I find it amazing. You always hear others talk about how, when you know, you know. Talking about when you find the "ONE" you're going to know its them. I never thought that it was possible to actually know 100%. But I can honestly say that I know in my heart that I am going to marry this girl. 5,000% sure about it. She is what I have dreamed about since I was a little kid. She loves me for who I am and not what she wants me to be. She looks at my heart before she looks at my features. It all just seems like a dream, and I guess that it is, a Dream that has come true.

So with that said, I want to say to those who have not found the "ONE", trust patient, pray, pray, pray, they'll come. I want to say I love you mom and thank you. And I want to say, I Love you God and thank you.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Description of Different Types of Governments

FEUDALISM - You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.

PURE SOCIALISM - You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.

BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM - You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and as many eggs as the regulations say you should need.

FASCISM - You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk.

PURE COMMUNISM - You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.

RUSSIAN COMMUNISM - You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.

DICTATORSHIP - You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you

PURE DEMOCRACY - You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.

REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY - You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.

BUREAUCRACY - You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. After that it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows..

ANARCHY - You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to kill you and take the cows.

CAPITALISM - You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

TOTALITARIANISM - You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they ever existed. Milk is banned.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Memorable Movie Quotes

  1. Houston, we have a problem - Apollo 13
  2. He can call me flower if he wants to - Bambi
  3. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get - Forrest Gump
  4. Only two things come from Oklahoma, steers and queers, I dont see no horns, so must be queer - An Officer and a Gentleman
  5. But being this is the .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and will blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk? - Dirty Harry
  6. Bond, James Bond - Dr. No
  7. You can't Handle the truth - A Few Good Men
  8. Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sauté it. They's, uh, shrimp kebobs, shrimp Creole, shrimp gumbo, pan fry, deep fry, stir fry. There's pineapple shrimp, and lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That's, that's about it - Forrest Gump
  9. We'll make him an offer he can't refuse - The Godfather
  10. You're gonna need a bigger boat - Jaws
  11. Show me the money - Jerry McGuire
  12. Love means never having to say your sorry - Love Story
  13. A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti - The Silence of the Lambs
  14. I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate - Spaceballs
  15. Go ahead, Make my day - Sudden Impact
  16. You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin'... you talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here - Taxi Driver
  17. I'll be back - The Terminator
  18. Hasta la vista, baby - The Terminator 2
  19. I Feel the Need…The Need For Speed - Top Gun
  20. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my - The Wizard of Oz

30 Things I Love Doing

  1. Watching Movies
  2. Collecting Movies
  3. Hanging Out With Friends
  4. Writing
  5. Making Lists
  6. Talking
  7. Massaging
  8. Taking Pictures
  9. Spending Money
  10. Spending Time With Kids
  11. Singing
  12. Talking into a Fan...thats always a blast
  13. Singing in the Shower
  14. Writing Poems
  15. Cooking
  16. Looking at People
  17. Analyzing People
  18. Shooting Guns
  19. Meeting New People
  20. Learning New Things
  21. Making Things
  22. Trying New Things
  23. Being Outside
  24. Cleaning...believe it or not
  25. Helping People in Need
  26. Surprising People
  27. Giving People Gifts
  28. Exercising
  29. Driving
  30. Finishing Things That I Have Started

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Top 20 Cartoons

These Are My Favorite Cartoons Ever Made!
  1. Looney Tunes
  2. Woody Wood Pecker
  3. Pink Panther
  4. Duck Tales
  5. Scooby Doo, Where Are You?
  6. Angry Beavers
  7. Sponge Bob Square Pants
  8. Rocky and Bullwinkle
  9. Darkwing Duck
  10. Transformers
  11. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  12. Ren & Stimpy
  13. Bonkers
  14. Tom and Jerry
  15. Fairly Odd Parents
  16. Teachers Pet
  17. Talespin
  18. The Flintstones
  19. The Jetsons
  20. Garfield and Friends

Top 20 T.V. Shows

These Here Are my favorite T.V. Shows Ever Made! Thanks T.V.
  1. House
  2. X-Files
  3. The Simpsons
  4. Cheers
  5. Quantum Leap
  6. Seinfeld
  7. The Cosby Show
  8. Happy Days
  9. Family Ties
  10. Home Improvement
  11. The Wonder Years
  12. Married...With Children
  13. Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  14. Night Court
  15. Medium
  16. C.S.I.
  17. Law and Order: Criminal Intent
  18. The Dead Zone
  19. Stargate: SG-1
  20. Looney Tunes

Monday, November 07, 2005

Subway Day pt 2

Yes! At last it came again. I got to have my wonderful meaty filled sandwhich. I about died when I bit into it. It was so delicious. Oh wait, of course I'm getting ahead of myself. After I had gotten everyones made, I walked to the cashier. I told her what I had and she looked at me with the, all so familiar look, your crazy and how do I ring that up? So I smiled really big and kinda fluttered my eyes and said usually they charge me...X amount. She said ok sounds good. hee hee. Good Ol' Charm.

So on to a lighter subject. This weekend is going to be great. I'm going to go hang out with some of my friends. They are girls, which is great because I have trust now and I can be friends with as many girls as I want. She dont care who I am friends with. I love it. I'm going to play some tennis and maybe some football and basketball. I'm going to cook supper too, thats always fun, I love cooking. Hmm...I thought that I had something else to say but I cant think of anything. I guess that I will go for now. Adios.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Tomorrow's Yesterday

I didnt know a whole lot today. I went outside and enjoyed the wonderful weather that we were having. Tonight I went for a walk. I was going to run, but I pulled a muscle last night, my quadratus femoris to be specific. So I figured I would give it a "little" bit of a break for the night.

Well last night I went and watched the movie Jarhead. I was particulary interested with this one. I love all war movies and movies that have to do with the miliatary. But this one was special. Through the whole movie that only thing that I could think about was going and talking to a recruiter. Anyway, if you like war/military movies, you will definitely like this one. I would talk about it, but I dont like talking about new movies incase someone hasnt seen it. I dont like ruining it because I "HATE" it when someone ruins a movie for me.

Its getting to that time of year. Christmas shopping....I looove it. I hope that this year we have a white Christmas. I loooove the snow. I can do without the ice, but the snow I want a lot of. So I have nine people this year that i'm shopping for. I have a good idea of what i'm getting for seven of them. I need some ideas for an eleven year old girl and a 17 year old girl. Have any? Well I hope that your shopping goes good. Have a nice day. Adios.

5 Stages to Acceptance

According to doctors and scientists who have studied people, there are 5 stages to acceptance. They are supposed to go in this order. For most they do, but I on the other hand, did not follow this order.

Denial - You dont believe that it's actually happening to you. You have to double, triple check.

Anger - You become mad at others, taking all your frustration out on people, even if they have anything to do with what the problem is.

Pleading - You beg for another chance. You plead with God or whomever that if you could just have one more try that you'll be better or do it different.

Depression - You dont care anymore. Nothing is important to you. You dont feel like doing anything except sitting alone and crying. You want to quit, at everything.

Acceptance - You finally accept that there isnt anything that you can do and try and move on.

For me, I did and usually go from denial to pleading to depression to anger back to pleading and depression, never actually hitting the acceptance stage with anything. For some reason this study is fascinating to me. I am one who loves to study people and it is amazing how often this study is correct. Anyway, just thought that I would share this with ya'll. Adios.

Friday, November 04, 2005

I'm Dying...

I am not sure exactly how long I have to live. I havent and I wont go to the doctor. Its kind of a stupid and embarrassing problem. But oh well. We all die sometime right? You might be asking what I'm dying of...and then again, maybe your not. seems that I am dying, because,...I didnt send that email to 10 people or more.....(crying).....I dont know what I'm going to do. There were so many things that I wanted to accomplish before I died like.......well I cant think of anything at the moment, but there are things. I guess that I'll leave all wealth, totaling 4 dollars and 10 cents to my gf....thats (great friend) ME. I'm taking it with me. haha.

Ok yeah, now that I got that out of my system. Do you have a best friend? Someone that you can tell them anything no matter how personal or embarrassing. I have four. One is my mother though. I love her, she is my best friend by far, which I think it is awesome to have such a good relationship with a parent. But excluding her I have three others that are my peers, one that is the best of the best though. It is one of the best feelings to have such a good friend or friends. I love them all. They dont know each other, and they all have different views which I love. So I can get different opinions on what they think about something. I love it. The past couple of months I have felt so relieved to have these friends, they have helped in so many ways. If you have a best friend, definitely keep that friendship. There's nothing else like it in the world. Talk later, adios.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


So I wake up to the phone ringing this morning at 9. My friend. Wondering what my plans were for the early to think...geeezzz, call me back in like, 12 hours. lol. No, I got up. Ended up going to Joplin and hanging out with her. We went to Starbucks...woo hoo, who doesnt love Starbucks. Double Chocolate Chip Frap. mmmmmm....

Afterwards take a guess where I go...nope, not the strip club...geezzz....the movies. I went and watched The Weather Man with Nicolas Cage. Talk about a morbidly depressing drama/comedy. You just feel like killing yourself after watching this thing. There are about 8 places you kinda giggle and crack a smile. But as far as laughing out loud...uhhh, no.

Well I dont have many plans for this weekend. I have a question....what in the world is it about me that I attract the young girls. I have had about 3 girls around 13 to 17 flirting with me. I guess it wouldnt be bad say in 10 years, but...ahhhh. Then of course there is another girl, but she's 31...that isnt as bad, but again I would just feel weird in that situation. I might go on a date, but nothing more then that. What do you think? She's about 11 years older then I am. Tell me what you think about that...If I do go out with her, I'll tell ya how it goes...Adios.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Subway Day

Oh my goodness. Today really was a busy day. I'm not being facetious. It was my parents anniversary. And what nerve, they didnt take me out to eat with them...shame on them. hee hee.

Came home after work just to get into the car and drive up to Joplin. Soon as I arrive, I come back home with my friend. I hung out with her and her husband and brother for a while and then went back to her house. We ended up watching Bewitched. As in the new movie, not the old tv show. It was ok...cute. Nothing like what I had pictured it being though. After the movie I came back home...again. Its a little after midnight, I didnt get to run today so I'm contemplating on going out now to run. Havent fully decided on that.

Today was Subway day. Thats always a good day. I get a sandwhich that they dont have a name for. It consists of all the sandwhich meat. They always look at me like I'm crazy and then take 15 minutes deciding how they should ring it up. This is where my charm comes in...hehehehe. The more charm, the less the price. But pooey, today it was a guy, didnt really feel like working any charm, you never know these days on which way people swing. Didnt want to take any chances. So I ended up paying double the price what I usually do. Oh well.

Ok well, I guess that I'm going to go for now. Hope all is well and you had a good day. Adios.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

What A Day!

I had such a hard day today. No one would ever believe the day I had. Let me try and explain my day. I roll out of bed around 12:50...thats in the afternoon. I slept half of the day away. Then I go to the bank at walmart. I spend a little while talking to my friends. Afterwards I come home and I eat lunch while I pick the movies that I would like to record for the week.

Later I got on the internet and read my comments for my blog and made some comments back. My sister gave me a new cd, Stephen Lynch. Not for young kids...but he's hilarious. He reminds me of an Adam Sandler. He makes up funny songs. I died laughing. But he's very obnoxious and vulgar, so thats why I say, not for kids.

Oh lets see. Thanksgiving, woo hoo...I cant wait. My parents are going to St. Louis to be with my dads family. I didnt really want to go so I was going to be home alone. When one of my friends found this out, she told her mother and her mom said that me being home alone just wasnt going to fly with her. So now I have been invited to her house for Thanksgiving. hee hee. Cant wait. Then the Sunday after I have plans with the her whole family. Thats always fun...I went last year. Its HUGE!

Hmmm....Serotonin...what is a simple way of explaining this. is a chemical neurotransmitter in the brain. It controls our mood, emotions, appetite, and how well we sleep. Thats about the best and simplest explaination I can give.