Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Well I had a stupindeous idea come to me yesterday. I had a little bit of down time yesterday so I did some thinking. And what I decided was this...for my 25th birthday, my gift to myself is going to be something special. If when I turn 25 I'm not maried or in a serious relationship, I am going to adopt a child. I think that would be awesome. I love kids and I think that would be the perfect age to get into parenthood. Of course I know I wont get them on my 25th birthday but I will put in the papers to start the process of getting a child. If I'm lucky I will be able to be a parent by age 26. Anyway, that was my thinking and of course I know that all of you wanted to hear that.

So lets see what else...I went and watched the movie The Descent. All I can say about this movie was that it was very predictable and pathetic. One of the worst horror movies I've ever seen in my life. I was told that the monsters or whatever you want to call them, were men dressed in a thong with KY Jelly all over their body. Thats just weird. Anyway, I dont recommend it to people, even though I'll probably own it when it comes out, but I'm just weird like that.

Well I know that this is a short entry, but really there hasnt been anything going on, so there isnt anything to talk about. So I'll come back later when I have more ideas...adios.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Above the Law

What a rotten day yesterday was. I dont care that I was breaking the law it should be a crime to be able to pull me over. I am above the law. I realize that the trooper was just doing his job, so I'm not as mad at him as I am at the government. Personally I think that there shouldnt be such a job as a highway patrolmen. I dont really have much respect for that job...unless of course they are out dodging bullets then my ideas change. But how often does that happen, rarely. So...GET A REAL JOB...losers. 17 miles over the posted speed limit really isnt that much, everyone was doing it so why pick on poor little ole me.

Yeah so anyway enough about me griping about mean people...I dad bought a membership at this new fitness place for my family. It's really cool, it's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So when I cant sleep at 3 in the morning I can just head down to the gym and pump some iron...woo hoo. I'm actually super sore. I havent lifted weights in quite a few months and my muscles are worn out and screaming at me calling me mean names.

Lets see...I cant really think of anything else to really gripe about....oh maybe that it took forever to get to work this morning seeing as how I had to drive the speed limit all the way to work. I thought that I was going to grow old and die before I reached my destination. ok ok ok enough...I'm out, Adios.