Have you ever talked to yourself? Ok honestly, if you answered that question no, I know your lying. Everyone has, but does everyone do it outloud? I've started to catch myself talking to...myself, outloud. But whats funny is that I'll have a regular conversation with myself before I'll catch it and think, ...what the heck am I doing. I'm weird...anyone that knows me will tell ya the same thing. I'm and odd duck. Well I've started going to the track and running. I was running around the church parking lot by my house until just the other night when I heard a massive deep growl which made me wet my pants. It scared me so bad that I actually called my mother to come and pick me up. I've never ran so fast to get behind a telephone poll and hide. It was quite frightning. Of course I'm one who loves horror movies and the moon was huge and all I was thinking was, its a werewolf. hahaha. So now I run at the track. I'm actually doing pretty good for not running very much in the past 4 years. I have been running around 2 1/2 - 3 miles around the track and about 2 miles of the stairs. Lets see....ooo tomorrow I'm going to go swimming with an old friend of mine that I havent seen in a while. That should be fun. I sure hope that her kid comes along cause she is just soooo cute. If ya cant tell I just love kids. Especially the youngers ones because their imagination is just unlimited. Maybe....just maybe I might go to the lake this weekend. I havent really thought too much about it so thats why its still on the maybe list. I've been having a lot of weird dreams lately. Is that just me or has anyone else been having them? I mean it was like, I sunk two boats, I flew a plane even though I have no idea how to fly, I was being eaten alive by spiders and this creature that was a mix of a hornet, mosquito, and a termite. That was freaky. So needless to say I havent been getting a lot of good quality sleep lately. Oh I got the movie Syriana tonight. I cant wait to watch it. If I cant get to sleep tonight by about 1 or so I'll probably just stay up and watch it. Its about the CIA and corruption and the oil companies...ohh yeah. Looks extremely good. We'll just have to see. Ok well I cant think of much else going on so I guess that I'm going to go for now. I hope everyone is doing well and I'll talk to ya'll later. Buh bye.Ohh I know, I'm going to go to the Library tomorrow and look for the book Persuasion by Jane Austin. And of course if they have it I'm going to start reading it. On the movie Lake House they talked about it and it sounded good so I thought that I would try and read it. Ok well now thats all. Adios.
alles Gute zum Geburtstag
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Christopher, Happy birthday to you. Thank you thank you all so much. Well lets see what did I get. Well for starters I got a sniper rifle from my mother. A heavy barrel, Savage .308 to be exact. I've only wanted it forever. But I finally got it. I got some money from other people and from my co-workers I got a variety of things. A watch, cologne, candle, cards, lunch...I even had a couple clients give me some things. My two favorite ones. So lets see what did I do for my birthday. I worked and then didnt do a whole lot. I came home and then went to watch the movie, The Lake House. A sappy romance but I loved it. It was spectacular, marvelous, beautiful. I dont know how else to describe it. It was very beautiful. Right before lunch today I ran to my ex's house and I got to see my babies. My little baby girl and baby boy. Awww they were so cute. My baby boy is walking now, grown up so much in the past few weeks. And my baby girl, ooooohhhhh I just wanted to steal her she was so cute, she looked at me and smiled as if she knew who I was. So cute. I cant really think much else to write about. My day was really quite boring. Work work work, I was quite busy. I'm getting ready to eat some cake and ice-cream I think. So I guess that I'm going to go, I need to run that way I can eat more cake. Talk to ya'll later, adios.
Life...After Death
2 p.m. rolls by. I do nothing. I sit in silence and stare at the screen. The Omen, my family took me to the movies today. We didnt see just one though, four to be exact. First- The Omen, Second- The DaVinci Code, Third- X-Men 3, and Fourth - The Benchwarmers. I had already seen The DaVinci code and it was just as good the second time around. Tom Hanks will never stop amusing me. The Omen, good but not a scary thing about it. X-Men non-stop action, I really enjoyed it. The Benchwarmers...this movie was much better then expected by myself. I laughed all the way through it. My stomach is actually hurting from laughing, or is it from the nasty butter they put on the popcorn, not really sure about that. 11 p.m. rolls around and my butt and back are a little sore from sitting all day. So what do I do, I come home and I sit down and watch another movie. Unleashed with Jet Li and Morgan Freeman. Again much better then I had expected it to be. Started out slow but then picked up to be a good movie. I have an obtuse pain in my chest/gut and in my neck or is it in my head, cant really tell more then likely its both. I cant sleep, I can barely eat. When I do I then feel nauseous. I've lost fourteen pounds in the past 2 - 2 1/2 weeks. I've been writing a lot more lately. I've filled another composition book up with poems, have to get another one so I can keep going. My birthday isnt far off, 6 more days left, or 5 rather since its now the 11th...The Lake House...that movie comes out on my birthday. I would like to see that. It looks cute. I started reading a book yesterday and I cant seem to put it down while reading on it. Its called Tuesdays With Morrie. One of my clients gave it to me to read. I'm not much of a reader unless its the Bible but this is a pretty interesting book really. Tonight I wished that I had a motorcycle. It would have been the perfect night for a ride. It wasnt hot but it wasnt cold and really there wasnt too many bugs out which was kinda strange. Snow cones have been on my mind lately. I really like the flavor Tigers Blood and Strawberry. It just seems to go together perfectly. I moved up in the world the other day and bought a medium sized one instead of a small. It took quite a bit longer to eat it. Well I have to get up in about 4 hours or so, so I guess I'm going to go and read my Bible for a while. I hope all is well with everyone and I will talk to ya'll later. Adios.
Death to Walmart
Ok first thing just incase somebody didnt know my wedding has been canceled, not going into details just letting you know.I have to admit, I shop at walmart. Dont really know why, probably just because its close and I know everyone that works there. But if you think about it, you have to know that walmart is going to rule the world one of these days. Look at them. They have expanded...they have food, clothing, gas, banking, moving into the medical field. One of these days they are going to put everyone out of business cause no one can compete with them. Then think about that...just as soon as they do put everyone out of business, they can jack up their prices to whatever they want. Yeah yeah, you say, they have that slogan, lowest prices gaurenteed, well...think about that too....if no one else is in competition, they will have the lowest price, 50 dollars for a bottle of water. Plus if anyone does try and sue them, they'll have the best of the best lawyers that will somehow be able to have you put in prison due to blasphemy. Its crazy. But you cant help to just think that it is very very very likely. Maybe my mind is just in overdrive a tad bit, but I dont think that its that far fetched of an idea. Ok well I know this was a short entry but I'm busy working on something so I'm going to go for now. Talk to ya'll later. Adios.