I added to my family the other day. I bought a new shotgun, mmmm its beautiful. 12 gauge, pistol grip, no stock, mossberg. It holds 8 shells instead of the normal 4. Its the one that the marines and the army use. Great gun and very sexy looking. I'm going to get a Walther P22 and a Taurus .38 sometime in the near future, havent really decided when yet. And then later on down the road a Colt . 45 and a Desert Eagle.
I finally quit my job today. I was getting sick and tired of driving down to that shit-hole town cassville. It was way to small and full of stuck up people. I called a few of my favorite clients and told them where I was going, but I'm just glad to be out of there.
I have a question that I would like some advice on. The other day I received the last thing holding me together with desiree, my ex. I tell her that since there isnt anything left holding us together to leave me alone cause I want nothing to do with her. Seems simple enough. All I want to do is move on with my life and forget about her completely. I thought she wanted nothing to do with me as well, but yet she sends me texts messages today. Why would she continue to heckle me if she doesnt like me. She tried to get under my skin by saying she knew I was fired, and that her boy would be able to support her and her family, unlike her father and I would have been able too I guess is what she meant, cause her mother has to support them. I dont claim to be anything, that way I'm not a hypocrit, but she claims to be a good christian girl, and yet loves the opportunity to try and put me down. Any ideas on why she still does this....anyone......
Well I had a girl ask me if I wanted to marry her the other day. Kind of awkward I thought, usually the guys ask the girls, but hey whatever. I said no of course, I have no desire to get married and I dont have enough time left to get married. I like being alone. I've always been alone, its comforting.
30 Seconds to Mars...I dont know how much I've talked about them, but wow, you oughta listen to their music. Jared Leto is the lead singer and the writer of the music. He's a really good writer. The songs are just extremely well written and the music to go with it is terrific. Well I'm going to the sports bar tomorrow to watch the games with some friends, that should be fun. But right now I'm going to go to the gym and run. Adios.
Sweetie, she still has feelings for you that she isnt expressing out loud. Thats why she wont leave you alone. Just ignore her, its her loss not yours baby.
As for all those should have went to the army since you like those things so much.
I agree with that person, she's still in love with you, but she doesnt have to be such a bitch about it. She doesnt sound like a "good" christian girl. And isnt she the one you told me about that loved to have oral sex and all that stuff??
There should be some good games tomorrow, and screw Desiree, you can do much better then her, she was ugly anyway and had some messed up teeth.
lol, uhh, not much advice in there but ummmm thanks anyway. Yeah I'm looking forward to the games especially the Chiefs vs. the Colts. Chiefs are going down.
Advice - just ignore her she'll get bored and eventually leave you alone. just wish her the best in life...
advise.... Christopher she has you where she wants you... she wasnt happy enough breaking your heart she wants to rip it to shreads. and honestly if you get another text message from her dont read it just delete it.
im also pretty sure she is keeping up with your blog she sees you write about her your relationship and she thinks she has found a better one (God help the guy she going out with) i wouldnt be surprised to see him kicked to the curb here soon too. but she sees you are doing fine with out her ur strong and she wants to kill ur strength any way she can so she cuts you down... honestly i dont think her new bf can support her whole family working down at mc Donalds!!!!!!
I thought her reason for ending it was awfully silly and it just sounded like an excuse that no one can argue with, you know, if "God was telling her," what can anyone say? It makes me think something else was going on.
My advice is to *COMPLETELY IGNORE* every attempt she makes to contact you. Don't reply back with "Stop talking to me" or "Leave me alone" even. Just don't respond. She'll get the hint sooner or later.
And if she is reading this blog, as many of us suspect, then hopefully she'll understand that whatever goal she has in life to be a good Christian and witness to people is not working for us and the people we know who also know her. By not being a kind person, by not acting as Christ would, she's being a terrible Christian. And maybe she thinks she's doing right by God--who are we to judge?--but I think she needs to spend some time alone too. It's good for the soul.
I agree with whoever said it before: she hasn't gotten over you, and she must feel like she still has some control over you.
(I'm guessing that you, Chris, will know who this is and I don't mind you knowing. Just ask if you want to know for sure. :) )
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