28 Days Left

28 days. Thats how much longer I have till its candy heaven. Besides of course Christmas, Halloween is my favorite holiday. When else can you walk around with a huge sack and have people just give away free candy. Its every kids dream. Well maybe not. I was always more about the pumpkins and the decorations. Dont get me wrong. I looooooved the candy. Always have and always will. No matter how many teeth I have lost I cant seem to get rid of that sweet tooth. Oh well. Pumpkin carving was my favorite. Always had to have at least two preferably more though. Always bought those patterns that you can get at walmart to help cut out a design in your pumpkin. This year, I've found the pumpkin of my dreams.
Jopin, Missouri? Strange...never heard of it. But I have heard of Joplin in SW Missouri.
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