I’m not trying to sound like a skeptic, but that’s how its going to come off. I am just one of those people with a mind that is open and constantly thinking, and asking, “What If?” About the only thing I don’t need proof for is that God Exists. That is something that I do not doubt. But praying blows my mind.
We laugh at those who do hands on healing because supposedly it is a miracle that only Jesus and the apostles could do. And of course the apostles could pass on their power to others, but these people couldn’t pass on the power. It died with them. Prayer is a miracle too. Well not prayer itself, but the idea that prayer heals people. It’s almost the same thing as hands on healing without the hands. If miracles don’t happen anymore, which I firmly believe that they do not, how does prayer work.
The mind is a very strong thing. If it believe something so firmly that it can happen. For instance, if a woman or girl wants to be pregnant, and she believes herself to be pregnant even though she isn’t; her body will go through what an expecting mother will go through. Lactation, lose her period. Its an amazing thing. The mind is a very powerful thing. So hear is my other question. Does prayer not really work how we have always believed. God knows how powerful our minds are. Is it just a way to give us hope for when we pray about our health getting better. And our mind is thinking well I gave it to God now and he’ll heal me. So then the mind starts thinking your going to get better and you do.
I really don’t know. I do know that its an amazing thing. Prayer to me is a miracle. But if miracles don’t happen, how does prayer work?
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